Instituto para o Desenvolvimento de Energias Alternativas e da Auto Sustentabilidade

Learning Center

The Learning Center aims to demonstrate in practice some experiments with the use of renewable energy, new technologies, sustainable business models, policy studies, training courses, product development and education, raising awareness for the responsible use of energy and respect for the environment.

In this center, the various technologies and especially photovoltaic solar generation equipment, wind, water and solar thermal are also demonstrated.

Since August 2009, by an award received from the FIES – Itaú Social Development Fund (, environmental education activities were started and access to renewable energy in a continuous and orderly manner, giving classes on environment and decentralized power generation with renewable for high school students of Santo. Antonio da Patrulha´s school, in Rio Grande do Sul, a state in the south of Brazil.

We are open to sponsorship and for developing partnerships involving new projects, contact for more information. Please contact us for more information.

Centro de Aprendizagem IDEAAS

Learning Center IDEAAS

Centro de Aprendizagem IDEAAS

Learning Center IDEAAS

Centro de Aprendizagem IDEAAS

Learning Center IDEAAS

Centro de Aprendizagem IDEAAS

Learning Center IDEAAS