Instituto para o Desenvolvimento de Energias Alternativas e da Auto Sustentabilidade


IDEAAS is a non for profit organization founded in 1997 that works in the field of energy access and productive uses of energy to promote sustainable development in rural areas. The models developed by IDEAAS influenced Brazilian public polices in energy access.

Experience in designing and implementing low cost rural electrification systems, solar photovoltaic energy systems, business and management models on decentralized generation, use of alternative energies to promote rural development, income generation and the introduction of innovative models for technical progress.

Recipient of awards in social entrepreneurship, use of electricity and technical innovations for the benefit of humanity, technology.


Develop sustainable models, focusing on the use of renewable energy, generating direct impact on increasing income populations located in rural or isolated areas.


  • Sustainable Development.
  • Innovation in Social Technologies and Social Business Models.
  • Expand capacity for access to renewable energy.
  • Increase the renewable energy access for socio-productive inclusion.
  • Environmental Conservation.
  • Contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs.